The Healing Power of Arts

Recent research regarding the healing power of the arts reveals how deeply the arts can affect us in a positive way.

My personal background includes writing “poetry” at age 8 and beyond to express what was unsafe and reveal what was otherwise repressed; my years in dance and theatre provided outlets for my body and voice to express what otherwise could not be said; hours at the piano and coloring “in the lines” and painting “by number” provided safe “containers” for feelings that were unprocessed.  Those who know me have often heard me say, “The arts and God’s grace saved me”.

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With a background in dance, health and fitness, I have always depended on feet to take me walking, spinning, dancing, Barre and yoga ~ not to mention the ordinary activities of daily living. A few weeks ago I had a renewed opportunity to appreciate them even more when I suffered an injury (large candlestick fell on top of my foot slicing open the vein and gashing open the top of the foot across to the side of my little toe). Thanks to my husband who is an emergency expert, he took care of it and bandaged it on the spot while I Reikied it to slow down the bleeding.

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Food for Thought

There is increasing evidence that the US Dietary Guidelines are under question by a growing number of scientists, doctors and nutritionists. Dr. Mark Hyman, formerly of Canyon Ranch, now at the Cleveland Clinic, found through his personal experience with mercury toxicity what happens to the brain under a toxic load from poison. In addition, his recovery journey unveiled how a number of brain disorders like dementia, Alzheimer’s, autism, Parkinson’s, MS and other what he calls “broken brain” disorders are associated with insufficient fat in the diet. Parallel to this, other research has been uncovered showing that a high sugar, high refined carbohydrate diet not only contributes to diabesity but is “poison” to the brain.

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