The X Y Z’s of Wellness

Last Fall we began to explore the ABC’s of wellness, so this Fall we will finish our look at wellness from M thru Z.

Move those Muscles!  Our bodies were made for movement.   So put your mind to the muscle and transform your exercise into a mindful activity.  Try moving meditation.  And music!

Nutrition ~ besides not smoking and avoiding sedentary lifestyle, nutrition is the most important element in preventing lifestyle—related diseases.  If you are confused about what constitutes good nutrition and need recommendations specifically tailored to your needs and goals, contact Healing Bridges for nutritional recommendations.

Om ~ the sound of meditation.  The benefits of meditation are so extensive, they could fill the entire newsletter just listing them.  Regulating blood pressure and improving mood are just the beginning.

Portion Power ~ get familiar with portion sizes and the power of your plate to create health.  Fill ½ your plate with vegetables, ¼ with lean protein and ¼ with a starch.  Once you have mastered portion power, discover the Power of Pilates to improve posture.

Quality of life ~ no matter what health challenges you face, quality of life can improve with compassionate self-care.
Read labels ~ you may be    surprised to learn that what you normally think of as a serving is actually three servings and that a single serving has ½ the recommended daily allowance of sodium!

Sodium Savvy ~ the RDA for  sodium has been lowered to 1,500 milligrams per day.  Excess sodium intake can worsen blood pressure in those who are sodium-sensitive.  Processed food is a common source of sodium, also canned soups and most restaurant foods.  So, instead of a salty snack, take a stretch break.
Take Time to rest, relax, renew and restore.  In addition to taking time for exercise, it is equally important to take time to rest—it is crucial for muscle recovery and repair.  Slowing down and taking time to breathe, pursuing enjoyable hobbies, and having fun all   relieve the effects of stress and improve the quality of life.

Understand what your doctor   is saying.  Ask questions.  Be informed.

Vegetables ~ aim for 5-9 servings a day to maximize health and minimize lifestyle-related diseases.

Water ~ stay hydrated with pure, clean water.  Soda is packed with calories and sugar and fruit drinks are   often not much more than sugar water with a tiny amount of real fruit added.

Examine our website for articles on health, well-being, mental health and more:

Y ~ Yoga.  The practice of yoga is one of several mindbody practices, like Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and some of the meditative martial arts that will strengthen your bodymindspirit.

Z ~ Zzzz get your zzz’s.  Sleep is essential to good health.  Driving while sleep deprived is the equivalent of driving drunk.  It impairs reaction time, concentration, and the immune system and mood.  So, sweet dreams.