Weekly Blog: Give yourself an immunity boost.

[This is for informational purposes only – just like everything on this website – and not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease.  Always be sure to consult your licensed healthcare provider and / or pharmacist.]

If you read last week’s blog on putting the Serenity Prayer into Action then you are already boosting your immune system.  In case you missed it click here.

Since stress impairs the efficacy of the immune system it is highly important to help minimize and / or counter the effects of stress on the immune system.  Please review and practice the suggestions from last week’s blog.

This week I want to be a little more specific about dietary and other recommendations.  In the words of Dr. Andrew Weil “eat the rainbow”.  This means eat a plant base diet high in fruits and vegetables in all of their many colors so that you get a wide variety of immune strengthening vitamins and minerals.  Given that there is no vaccine nor cure for the Covid 19 Virus it is crucial to heed the words of Hippocrates, “Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.”  Sugar in all of its forms (think of anything ending in “OSE”) depresses the immune system as do refined carbohydrates.

In this time of stress it is tempting to turn to favorite snack foods – especially those that combine sugar and / or refined flour and / or dairy products:  think ice cream and cake.  Dairy is not only the most difficult of all foods to digest (even if lactose free) but they are well known (especially by singers) for creating phlegm and mucus.

Try creating new and nourishing “comfort foods”.  One of my personal favorites is a soup that I make in the Crock Pot.  Ingredients include:  butternut squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, seasoned with cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice.  If you would like a protein boost add chickpeas or white northern beans.  Your whole house will smell yummy!  If you like a thinner soup add organic vegetable broth.  Visit our website for more recipes.

Move your body.  Even if you are confined indoors on a rainy day, in a small space march in place, do a little dance, get your circulation going – preferably away from electronics.  If you can get outside fresh air and sunshine are immune boosters.  Over 100 years ago when the world was plagued by the Spanish flu, the patients who were treated outside in outdoor hospital tents and brought out into the sunshine when weather permitted had a 40% survival rate compared to those treated indoors – theirs was only 16%.

This brings me to the immune boosting vitamin and mineral powerhouses.  Vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin) has been shown to be in lower levels in persons who contract the common flu even if they have had a flu shot.  Appropriate Vitamin C, copper, zinc, and Vitamin A levels all help boost the immune system along with a balanced mix of all the other vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids (check with a clinical nutrition specialist or functional medicine practitioner for specific recommendations).

Gargling with over the counter hydrogen peroxide (3%) mixed with warm water may help stop or minimize viral impact.

Avoid drinking alcohol which puts extra work on the liver – the body’s major detoxifying organ.  Also avoid drinking soda, including diet sodas and all artificial sweeteners for reasons too numerous and complex to describe here.  Take advantage of medicinal teas:  green tea, ginger tea, and teas specifically to support the immune system which are widely available both in grocery stores and online.

Don’t smoke and keep the air in your environment as clean as possible with either an ozone air purifier or one with a hepa filter.

Rest.  Sleep is a potent system of restoration, renewal and repair.  Don’t skimp.  If your schedule demands shift work or an otherwise inconsistent schedule take “power naps” when you can.  Refer to last week’s blog regarding meditation, tapping and Reiki for other ways of energy support.

Social distancing is a must and emotional connection is crucial.  (See previous blog.)

I am sending each and every one of you a big “stay well” hug via the “heart mail”.

Check our these relevant articles on grief and anxiety.