Trainer Spotlight

Mario Cossa

Delighted to be joining online!

I first heard about the Therapeutic Spiral decades ago when a colleague attended a workshop at an ASGPP conference led by this woman named Kate and her friend Mimi. They presented a thing called the TSIRA and used Barbie Dolls to illustrate the various roles. As my colleague explained what she had learned I began to see how this internal role map had significant application for the work we were doing in New Hampshire with adolescents, whether trauma survivors or not. I decided to learn more about this Therapeutic Spiral thing and the rest, as they say, as history.

I no longer live in that frozen part of the USA. These days the near-equatorial tropical weather in Bali is more suited to my somewhat older (and hopefully wiser) body and spirit. TSM, however, is still a central focus of the work I do.

The workshop material we have developed about the neurobiology of trauma and Polyvagal Theory has deepened my appreciation for the elegance and effectiveness of the Therapeutic Spiral Model. When we are regulated, we can respond instead of react, heal instead of becoming re-traumatized, and connect to our Autonomous Healing Centers as we move into post-traumatic growth. (A favorite self-regulating ritual of mine is pictured here: sitting with my dog, Kelli, in the garden having my morning coffee. If necessary, I could skip the coffee.)

A portion of a quote sent to me by my virtual co-presenter for the up-coming Croatia Symposium, Linda Ciotola, states: “Be at peace and everything falls into place.” I am glad she will be with me via ZOOM, ‘though I will miss her physical presence. Together we will invite the attending members of our TSI international family to explore the ways in which the Observing Ego’s loving cousin, the Compassionate Witness, helps connect us to a spirit of gratitude and supports the rest of the TSIRA in allowing us to “be at peace.”

I am excited to meet many folks in the flesh whom I have only encountered until now on ZOOM. I look forward to what Linda and I can offer, and all that I will gain from the rest of the incredible workshops being offered.