It’s February – Take Heart!

February is National Heart Month – a time when the American Heart      Association asks us to pay particular attention to our heart health.  It is also a time when the initial enthusiasm with which we approached New Year’s resolutions begins to wane.  Goals set for more consistent physical activity and including more heart-friendly foods like vegetables and fruits in the diet have been challenged by conflicting priorities such as work and family demands.  The “winter blues” are casting a shadow over the hopes we had for positive changes in 2010.  Take heart. Read more

News you can use – for a healthy New Year

The start of the New Year brings renewed resolutions, often related to diet, exercise, weight management, and improved health and fitness.  However, with so much often conflicting information out there, it is difficult to discern the difference between accurate data and misinformation.  So, we will begin issue with a review of news you can apply to your lifestyle choices to support improved well-being.  Remember to set realistic goals and to arrange to get support for yourself in meeting them.  (Contact us here at ( Read more