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Ministerial Services and Spiritual Support

As an interfaith minister of the Universal Life Church I am ordained and credentialed to perform all the duties of the ministry including weddings, prayer services, baptisms, memorial services, rites of passage, house blessings and any other special occasions at a mutually agreed upon location. In addition I am able to combine my ministry with […]

Behaviors and Characteristics

Many of the following behavioral characteristics have been observed among eating-disorder patients Dieting, restricting, fasting Bingeing – a typical binge consists of 3,000 to 10,000 calories being ingested between 20-40 minutes

Diet and Mood

Eating disorders often begin with diet. A person with low self-esteem attempts to feel better by dieting to look slimmer, perhaps in an attempt to conform to the current societal ideal (slender for women; lean and muscular for men).

Mid – Atlantic Chapter of ASGPP Gratitude Award

Recipients of the annual Mid – Atlantic Chapter of ASGPP Gratitude Award seen here celebrating 2017  recipient Gloria Mog ( center)  MAC meets the first Sat of Feb , May, and Oct in Silver Spring Maryland . All are welcome . Contact Steve Kopp for further info: stevek@sli.org.