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Most commonly asked questions:

What are Action Methods? Action Methods refer to forms of experiential learning derived from psychodrama, experiential and expressive arts therapies, engaging the right side of the brain as well as the left side.  Powerful outcomes can result from single well-executed session.  Psychodrama is a form of psychotherapy developed by Dr. J.L. and Zerka Moreno that  […]

Ministerial Services and Spiritual Support

As an interfaith minister of the Universal Life Church I am ordained and credentialed to perform all the duties of the ministry including weddings, prayer services, baptisms, memorial services, rites of passage, house blessings and any other special occasions at a mutually agreed upon location. In addition I am able to combine my ministry with […]

Behaviors and Characteristics

Many of the following behavioral characteristics have been observed among eating-disorder patients Dieting, restricting, fasting Bingeing – a typical binge consists of 3,000 to 10,000 calories being ingested between 20-40 minutes

Diet and Mood

Eating disorders often begin with diet. A person with low self-esteem attempts to feel better by dieting to look slimmer, perhaps in an attempt to conform to the current societal ideal (slender for women; lean and muscular for men).

Mid – Atlantic Chapter of ASGPP Gratitude Award

Recipients of the annual Mid – Atlantic Chapter of ASGPP Gratitude Award seen here celebrating 2017  recipient Gloria Mog ( center)  MAC meets the first Sat of Feb , May, and Oct in Silver Spring Maryland . All are welcome . Contact Steve Kopp for further info: stevek@sli.org.