The Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen

Eating Clean

Each year the Environmental Working Group, an environmental organization based in the United States, publishes a list they call the “Dirty Dozen”. These are the fruits and vegetables that when conventionally grown using chemical pesticides and fertilizers carry the highest residues. If organically grown isn’t an option for you, simply avoid these fruits and vegetables altogether. The list is updated each year, but here is the most recent list (2024).

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Mind Over (Muscle) Matter

Mind over (muscle) matter: Progressive muscle relaxation techniques like allow us to relax our muscles consciously. By focusing on the physical sensation of releasing tension, we can reduce mental turmoil.

Focus on Your Breathing

Focus on your breathing: Some types of breath meditation can energize us, while others calm us. Focusing on breathing is a mindfulness technique that can help us feel more centered and relaxed when it’s time for bed.
You can check out the full resource here:

Harvest Bounty of Fall!

Mother Generosa McCafferty Distinguished Alumna Award


Catholic High Presented The Mother Generosa McCafferty Distinguished Alumna Award.

Baltimore, MD – Grasonville resident, Linda Miller Ciotola was presented with The Mother Generosa McCafferty Distinguished Alumna Award.

The Catholic High School of Baltimore recently held their Alumnae Awards Ceremony. The Mother Generosa McCafferty Distinguished Alumna Award is presented annually to an outstanding alumna of Catholic High who demonstrates each of the Franciscan Core Values of Personhood in Community, Loving Service, Ongoing Conversion, Witness to Justice, Peace and Reconciliation, and Stewardship.

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Collaborators Award

Linda Ciotola MEd, CET III, TEP and Nancy Alexander, LCSW-C are the recipients of the 2019 ASGPP Collaborators Award.

The Collaborators Award is presented annually, when appropriate, to members of the ASGPP either in pairs or in teams, whose work over time has made a contribution to the learning and practice of psychodrama, sociometry and/or group psychotherapy, and whose modeling of collaborative roles deserves to be brought to the attention of their peers.

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Creating a Wellness Lifestyle (adapted from Life by design)

  1. Physical wellness involves nurturing the body.  It includes:
    • exercise
    • proper nutrition
    • managing stress
    • rest and sleep
    • awareness and respect for the environment

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Creative Conversations in Somatic Psychotherapy

Interview for the US Bodypsychotherapy Assn .

June 2007: Linda Ciotola

Linda Ciotola, M.Ed., CHES, (ret.), CP/TEP is a Certified Clinical Psychodramatist, health educator, fitness and yoga instructor.

The following is a transcript of the original audio, which is part of the Creative Conversations on the USABP website ( Please note that this conversation was meant to be a spontaneous ex-change, not an edited piece. For better or worse, the transcript retains the unedited quality of the conversation.

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Zerka T. Moreno Award

Linda Ciotola is the 2008 recipient of the 
Zerka T. Moreno Award. 
Who is Zerka T. Moreno?

Zerka Toeman Moreno is often called “The Mother of Psychodrama”.  She is the widow of J. L. Moreno, M.D., and as his partner and collaborator developed group psychotherapy, psychodrama, and sociometry.

She wrote and published extensively in the field , trained psychodramatists world – wide and until age 96, continued to write, train , and inspire from her home in Charlottesville, Va. Until her recent death, she continued teaching thru videos and personal interviews from her Rockville, MD nursing home. Read Zerka’s compelling memoirs To Dream Again. Linda is honored and proud to have received the award named for Zerka.

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