Love, Peace, and Healing for the Holidays

Turn on any news report these days and you’ll be deluged with predictions of “the worst holiday season in decades”.  In addition to forecast of economic decline, are reports of increases in depression, anxiety, and “holiday blues”. Read more

Balance, Blessings and Gratitude

As the holiday season approaches, many of my clients and readers express some measure of anxiety around dealing with the over abundance of food and beverages.  Here are some key elements to remember:
1.  Moderation and Balance
2.  Avoid “All or Nothing” Thinking
3.  Keep Moving
4.  Maintain an “Attitude of Gratitude” Read more

Fall into Fitness – Autumn Book Review

As the weather changes from hot, humid, and rainy to crisp and clear, getting outside to walk, jog, bike or rollerblade becomes more pleasant.  However, autumn does bring its own set of fitness challenges with fewer daylight hours and approaching   holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Hanukkah filled with excesses of food, drink and calories – and more time demands competing with time for healthy food preparation and exercise, and adding to the stress quotient.  Read more

Meditation, Mood, and Movement

The ancient practice of meditation is making news!  The use of modern brain imaging technology shows that an individual’s brain has a natural “set point” for good and bad moods, with greater activity on the left front side of the brain associated with “happy – calm”.  Greater activity on the right side is associated with stress, anxiety, and worry.  Read more

Focus on Children – Special Bonus-Size Edition

As summer swims towards Labor Day, parents begin to think about “Back to School”, encouraged by sales promotions and bargain offers on school supplies.  But are our children getting “short-changed” when it comes to their well-being?

When it comes to physical health, there is the need for regular pediatric check-ups, dental visits, and eye exams.  Read more

Stay Healthy & Safe In This Time of Fire & Water

July is the heart of summer.  Sunshine, fireworks, trips to oceans, lakes and pools invite us to play, rest and relax.   Stay healthy and safe this summer by observing appropriate fireworks precautions and protecting yourself against sun damage.  Read more

National Men’s Health Week

Questions and Answers

What is the goal of National Men’s Health Week?
The purpose of National Men’s Health Week is to raise national awarenes among society and especially among men, of the importance of preventive health behavior in the early detection and treatment of health problems affecting men.

What is the date of National Men’s Health Week?
National Men’s Health Week is held the week leading up to and including Father’s Day. By holding it during the period that men receive the greatest attention and focus in our society, we are able to reach the greatest number of men and their families. Read more

Avoiding Brittle Bones, Mending Broken Hearts

May celebrates National Osteoporosis Prevention Month, National Mental Health Month, and National Trauma Awareness Month.  At first, it may seem that these three Health Observances have little in common, but they do actually have similarities.   Read more

More Than Skin Deep by Alma Nugent, MA, CSCS

Are we careful to regard rather than disregard the skin?  Do we spend even one-fourth of the amount of time we devote to cosmetic enhancements to addressing the health of this most visible part of the body?   During Cancer Control Month, make a commitment to care for the skin. Read more

March is National Nutrition Month – Separate Science from fiction!

From the revised food guide pyramid, to the latest news about nutrient timing to enhance athletic performance, to the changing nutritional needs of growing kids and aging baby boomers, to the impact of calcium on weight loss, and the low-carb fad, nutrition is in the news!  Read more