Gather the Abundance

It’s October ~ the harvest season and time for Baltimore’s annual Race for the Cure to raise awareness of and funds for breast cancer treatment, and prevention, and to celebrate breast cancer survivors.

The harvest season is a great time for the Race for the Cure because it unites two powerful cancer-prevention strategies:  nutrition and exercise.  Read more

Healthy Aging

September is National Healthy Aging Month.  I’m delighted, since it is also my birthday month and the time of year when I re-evaluate my health and fitness goals.  As a long time educator, I have always viewed September as the start of a new year – time to set new learning goals and to develop strategies to achieve them. Read more

Cornerstone of Healthy Living

What better time than the abundant harvest of August to include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet?  Nature’s bounty is brimming with colorful baskets of good nutrition ~ delicious ways to decrease your risk of heart disease, and many cancers, and to increase your chances of living a long and healthy life. Read more

A Summer Salute to Health & Fitness

The arrival of summer brings plans for vacations, picnics, and summertime fun.  While summer can provide opportunities for more and varied physical activities like beach volleyball, swimming and tennis, it can   present some health and fitness   challenges as well. Read more

Health News Update: Iron Works

Most regular exercisers think of “pumping iron” as strength training done with either free weights or machines.  However, iron the mineral is so important to good health that even a minor deficiency can affect muscular strength as well as aerobic capacity and muscle endurance. Read more


Spring has arrived, and the month of May is blooming with a myriad of health observances.  May health promotions include:

  • Allergy and Asthma Awareness
  • Arthritis Month
  • Better Sleep Month
  • National High Blood Pressure Month
  • Mental Health Month
  • Older Americans Month
  • Osteoporosis Prevention Month
  • Physical Fitness and Sports Month
  • Stroke Awareness Month

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Cancer Control Month & Alcohol Awareness Month

April is the month when we fully welcome Spring, when the weather and the   energy shift, and nature supports new growth.  This can mean re-evaluating our thoughts, beliefs, and habits so we can make health-supporting choices. Read more

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month.  There is so much confusing and conflicting information about nutrition, many consumers simply throw in the fork and eat whatever whenever, convinced that trying to “eat healthy” is too hard, and that scientists will change their minds about what’s healthy anyway.  Read more

To the Heart of the Matter

February is a month to “take heart”.  In the heart of winter’s short days, long nights, cold winds, and post-holiday weariness, it is easy to become disheartened.  However, it is vitally important to reconnect with your spirit, recommit to your goals, and reclaim your whole self. Read more

Instead of a New Resolution ~ A New Perspective

Traditionally, this is the time of year for new resolutions.  Usually made with  determination and fresh hope, these resolutions are often wavering in February, and melting away with the last snow of March.  Perhaps the goals were unrealistic, or the expectations  hindered by perfectionism.  Maybe “all or nothing” thinking made it easier to give up altogether. Read more