Living the Serenity Prayer ~

In this challenging time, I want to encourage all of us (including me!) to live the Serenity Prayer ~ let’s accept what we cannot change, have the courage to change what we can and the wisdom to know the difference.

What we can do, in addition to following all recommended Guidelines:

  • Pray
  • Meditate – see I-REST
  • Eat healthfully (see our website/nutrition/recipes)
  • Exercise safely, but as long as you are healthy keep doing what you can even while gyms and yoga and Pilates studios are wisely closed (lots of streaming options and if no equipment march in your own home and walk outside when you safely can) Do body weight exercises.
  • Be in nature – unless you have allergies or other health conditions that prohibit that
  • Engage with the Arts while social distancing or shut in / quarantined – click here to view a few of my cousin, Patricia Padoll’s, beautiful nature paintings or see what’s posted online by museums worldwide
  • You may have been hearing about folks in Italy, Spain and Sicily playing musical instruments and singing from their windows all together. If you don’t have that option, sing, dance, use a wooden spoon on a pot lid, but let the music both enliven and soothe you.  And the Met is streaming opera for free!
  • Paint, draw, doodle with Mo Willems (educational artist -in-residence at Kennedy Center) for free daily at 1 o’clock Eastern Daylight Time (great if you have kids at home)
  • Read and be inspired by the true stores of her work with angels (and a few of my own). These are available in Jeanne Leto’s book, Angel Chills
  • Make a gratitude list (mine is 4 legal size pages and growing!)
  • Tapping is very effective in boosting immunity and helping with stress, anxiety BUT it does involve touching your face, so wash hands, face and use surgical gloves if you use tapping.
  • Wim Hof Method and use ONLY with stated precautions (Powerful Immune Booster)
  • Expand your creativity! Plant a flower or a tree; get adult coloring books and have fun; try new recipes; learn a new language online for free!
  • Stay emotionally connected while socially distancing. Phone, text, email or old-fashioned letter.  Reach out for help if you need it and reach out to give help when you safely can.
  • Do any act of kindness you can while not putting yourself or others at risk.
  • Reiki: if you yourself are attuned to Reiki (see our link here)  Reiki yourself, your living space and everything in and around it, your car and any living being that agrees to receive it (animals love it!). If you are not attuned and would like to receive Reiki long distance, ask anyone attuned to Reiki II or higher to please send it your way.  You may ask for immune boosting, stress relief, etc.
  • Delve deep into the spiritual meaning of this time of year: Passover / Lent / Easter.  If you are of a different religious tradition than Judeo-Christian, explore those or the yoga sutras of Patanjali or the teaching of Buddha, etc.
  • Practice mindfulness: while reading; while in same space as others (social distancing); while hand washing, etc. Click here for my interview n transcript of my mindful
    eating interview with active pause
  • Stay hydrated ~ mindfully J
  • – and because I find it the best way to begin and end the day: Pray

Blessings of Wellness, Love, Light, Peace and Serenity to all –
