With a background in dance, health and fitness, I have always depended on feet to take me walking, spinning, dancing, Barre and yoga ~ not to mention the ordinary activities of daily living. A few weeks ago I had a renewed opportunity to appreciate them even more when I suffered an injury (large candlestick fell on top of my foot slicing open the vein and gashing open the top of the foot across to the side of my little toe). Thanks to my husband who is an emergency expert, he took care of it and bandaged it on the spot while I Reikied it to slow down the bleeding.

I was unable to wear a shoe – only very light bedroom slippers – and the foot was quite swollen, bruised and sore. I went to my homeopathic remedy cabinet for arnica pellets and topical gel to help reduce swelling, bruising and pain.

I put out a call to friends and family to please pray and for those who were attuned to send long distance Reiki to please send. I felt very well cared for and supported.

When my friends Will and Mary (both Reiki Masters) heard about my injury, they rushed LifeWave patches to me and Mary shared with me her experience about how they helped her heal and relieved back pain after two car accidents. She recommended the X39 to stimulate stem cells to reduce inflammation and speed healing and the IceWave patches for pain. Each patch is only the size of a small round Bandaid so I was intrigued to learn how they worked. They work to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself (go to to learn more).

My husband and I were both amazed at how rapidly I became pain-free and how quickly the swelling and bruising diminished. I was delighted that the patches were waterproof because water exercise was all my foot could do during this time.

Today, after a few weeks of pool exercises and patches (I decided to keep wearing the X39 one because beyond the healing benefits I noticed improved energy and endurance, better mental clarity and faster exercise recovery), prayers and Reiki and acupuncture (I generally go weekly) I went back to the gym and teaching!

Everyone who saw my foot shortly following the injury has been astonished – and I am truly grateful that I never took pain medicine – not even the over the counter kind – and that my body with support and encouragement from my loving husband, my acupuncturist, Reiki, prayers and the amazing LifeWave patches, was able to heal so quickly and return to all the activities I so enjoy and that support my well-being.

Hope you enjoy your feet in the sand and all the summer activities you love!