Slowing Down, Giving Thanks

With the holidays rapidly approaching, it is almost an automatic response to shift into high gear, adrenal glands in overdrive, overflowing “to do” lists, a constant inner voice shouting, “You’ll never be ready on time” or “You’ll never get everything done” – with the subtext stating, “and you’ll be a big disappointment to everyone if you don’t!” WHOA!  Time to breathe.  Rushing through the holidays with shallow breathing, multi-tasking and obsessive worry not only robs us of really enjoying the holidays, but weakens the immune system, making us more prone to getting sick.

Just taking a few short breaks each day to focus on breathing fully and deeply can make a difference.  Start with one minute each hour.  Turn off the news and put on some relaxing music to help slow down the heart rate.  Avoid “all or nothing” thinking where physical activity is concerned – a 5 minute walk is better than sitting tensely with the breath held.  Practice mindful eating.  Breathe before you bite.  Notice the colors, smells, tastes, textures of food.  If you swallow before you pay attention you’ll over-eat before knowing you are full and you’ll be left feeling unsatisfied because the taste buds never got to savor the flavor.

Replace the “to do” list with a gratitude list.  Once you start, it is easy for this list to grow – and it will warm your heart and connect you with the true meaning of the season.

I want to close by expressing my gratitude to each of my readers, to all those who participated in workshops, to my psychodrama trainees, to my yoga, fitness class members, my colleagues, friends, family and to my entire circle of support persons who encourage, nurture, and inspire me.
Happy Thanksgiving!