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Linda’s Classes

Linda is no longer teaching classes due to gym closure but you can arrange private, semi – private and small group classes at your location. Linda Ciotola, of Healing Bridges teaches Yoga and other fitness classes: Linda teaches Hatha Yoga. Experience the mind-body benefits of Hatha Yoga. Improve flexibility, strength, and balance while experiencing deep […]

Coping Through Hard Times

This week I am posting this excellent source of info and inspiration from my dear friend and colleague from Maine , Kathy Amsden . Kathy is a licensed social worker and certified psychodramatist as well as a gifted singer / songwriter . She works in the field of home hospice and palliative care . If […]

The Sleeping/Awakening Child

This poem was one I read recently as part of an online workshop sponsored by The Therapeutic Spiral tm (of which I am a trainer) This workshop brought together professionals from across the states and around the world to share our strengths and vulnerabilities in this very challenging time.

Weekly Blog: Give yourself an immunity boost.

[This is for informational purposes only – just like everything on this website – and not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease.  Always be sure to consult your licensed healthcare provider and / or pharmacist.] If you read last week’s blog on putting the Serenity Prayer into Action then you are already boosting […]

Living the Serenity Prayer ~

In this challenging time, I want to encourage all of us (including me!) to live the Serenity Prayer ~ let’s accept what we cannot change, have the courage to change what we can and the wisdom to know the difference. What we can do, in addition to following all recommended Guidelines:

The Healing Power of Arts

Recent research regarding the healing power of the arts reveals how deeply the arts can affect us in a positive way. My personal background includes writing “poetry” at age 8 and beyond to express what was unsafe and reveal what was otherwise repressed; my years in dance and theatre provided outlets for my body and […]

The Healing Power of Art

What if you were able to reduce the stress in your everyday life just by looking? Or what about improving one’s mood? How would you do that? The answer may be Art! In my journey as an artist, I believe that Art and Healing are connected. Through my gift of art, I have found a […]


With a background in dance, health and fitness, I have always depended on feet to take me walking, spinning, dancing, Barre and yoga ~ not to mention the ordinary activities of daily living. A few weeks ago I had a renewed opportunity to appreciate them even more when I suffered an injury (large candlestick fell […]

Psychodrama: From the Outside In

by psychodramatist, health coach and author Linda Ciotola Download PDF Contact us to schedule this event with a link to my email address. Experience a full workshop of psychodrama training from Linda Ciotola, a leading psychodramatist who employs trauma-informed methods to enhance her work. Her knowledge, character and experience will guide participants through experiential learning […]